Completed projects

Photovoltaic installations on large roofs using Dome Solar mountings

We are pleased to be able to present some of the photovoltaic installations carried out by our partners using Dome Solar mounting systems.

Among our photovoltaic installation references, you will find many different types of buildings: office premises, factories, shopping centres, municipal buildings, agricultural buildings, warehouses, solar canopies, etc.

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DAYTONA project

DAYTONA project

A farmer equips his roof with photovoltaic panels

A farmer equips his roof with photovoltaic panels

Photovoltaic shades on a supermarket car park

Photovoltaic shades on a supermarket car park

A business center equips its roof with our photovoltaic mounting system

A business center equips its roof with our photovoltaic mounting system

Our photovoltaic fixings on the roof of an industrial building

Our photovoltaic fixings on the roof of an industrial building

A drive equips its roofs with our photovoltaic fasteners

A drive equips its roofs with our photovoltaic fasteners

Photovoltaic roof of the Coca-Cola factory south of Toulouse

Photovoltaic roof of the Coca-Cola factory south of Toulouse

Our mountings on the roof of a supermarket in Oise

Our mountings on the roof of a supermarket in Oise

Photovoltaic roof of a refrigerated building

Photovoltaic roof of a refrigerated building

60 municipal and inter-municipal buildings equipped with photovoltaic power plants

60 municipal and inter-municipal buildings equipped with photovoltaic power plants

A regional bank equips its car park with photovoltaic canopies

A regional bank equips its car park with photovoltaic canopies

Our PVC mounting system on the roof of a wholesaler in Sweden

Our PVC mounting system on the roof of a wholesaler in Sweden

A regional depot for professional catering equips itself with photovoltaic panels

A regional depot for professional catering equips itself with photovoltaic panels

Photovoltaic roof of a factory manufacturing doctor blades for printing systems

Photovoltaic roof of a factory manufacturing doctor blades for printing systems

Our photovoltaic mounting system on substrate manufacturing plants

Our photovoltaic mounting system on substrate manufacturing plants

Canopy for a petrol station in Marrakech

Canopy for a petrol station in Marrakech

Our mountings on the roof of a residential building

Our mountings on the roof of a residential building

A Swedish shipyard is fitted with photovoltaic solar panels

A Swedish shipyard is fitted with photovoltaic solar panels

Photovoltaic solar panels cover the roofs of Swedish individual houses

Photovoltaic solar panels cover the roofs of Swedish individual houses

Three photovoltaic roofs for a Chamber of Agriculture

Three photovoltaic roofs for a Chamber of Agriculture

Photovoltaic roof of a solar panel factory in Morocco

Photovoltaic roof of a solar panel factory in Morocco

Three photovoltaic roofs for animal stables

Three photovoltaic roofs for animal stables

Our photovoltaic mountings on the roof of a health food shop

Our photovoltaic mountings on the roof of a health food shop

Four self-consumption photovoltaic roofs for municipal buildings

Four self-consumption photovoltaic roofs for municipal buildings

Photovoltaic roof of an industrial building

Photovoltaic roof of an industrial building

Photovoltaic roof of an agricultural building in Aveyron

Photovoltaic roof of an agricultural building in Aveyron

Photovoltaic canopy for a head office in England

Photovoltaic canopy for a head office in England

Photovoltaic roof of a henhouse in Palestine

Photovoltaic roof of a henhouse in Palestine

Our mountings on the roofs of the Jardi and Brico E-Leclerc stores in the Eure department

Our mountings on the roofs of the Jardi and Brico E-Leclerc stores in the Eure department

Our mountings on one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in Switzerland

Our mountings on one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in Switzerland

Our mountings on a fibre cement roof of an agricultural building

Our mountings on a fibre cement roof of an agricultural building

Solar power plant on the roof of a farm

Solar power plant on the roof of a farm

Photovoltaic roofs of La Fleuriaye eco-district

Photovoltaic roofs of La Fleuriaye eco-district

Photovoltaic installation on a gymnasium

Photovoltaic installation on a gymnasium

Our photovoltaic mountings at the port of La Rochelle

Our photovoltaic mountings at the port of La Rochelle

Photovoltaic roof of an organic dried fruit processing plant

Photovoltaic roof of an organic dried fruit processing plant

Photovoltaic roofs of a horse-riding arena

Photovoltaic roofs of a horse-riding arena



All photovoltaic installation projects must be analysed and approved by our Design Office. We pride ourselves on ensuring that each photovoltaic plant installed with Dome Solar mountings is endorsed beforehand by our specialist technicians and engineers.