Contact us

Would you like information, advice, an appointment or a quote?

Visit us

Welcoming you in our premises

3 rue Marie Anderson
44400 Rezé

+33 (0)2 40 67 92 92


Specialists at your disposal, ready to answer your questions.

Customer area

Useful resources, technical data sheets, assembly instructions, technical evaluations, etc. freely available.

Ask for a quote

To request a quote, consult our online quote request tool.

Schedule a phone call

Anastassia Grigorjev

Export Director

+33 (0)6 17 98 59 02

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Community fund

« Planet Passionate »

The Kingspan Group has set up a community fund as part of its Planet Passionate programme 🌍
Through this ten-year sustainability plan called Planet Passionate, we aim to increase the positive impact we have on the communities to which we belong.

To apply, simply complete the application form.

+33 (0)2 40 67 92 92


3 rue Marie Anderson
44400 Rezé – France