
Toiture neuve ou rénovation, totale ou partielle


Bac acier hauteur d’onde entre 33 et 45 mm, tous profils de forme trapézoïdale, épaisseur minimum 63/100

Orientation du module


Poids du système

2 kg/m²

Structure porteuse

Entraxes pannes jusqu'à 2.10 m (bois ou acier)

Composants du système

Platines inox 304L ou 316L (suivant environnement)
Rails aluminium 6060 T6 longueur sur mesure
Brides inox 304L ou 316L (suivant environnement), assemblées en usine
Brides centrales assurant la mise à la terre au serrage
Vis Zamac pour fixation des platines


Connecteur Terre Module (CTM) aluminium 6060

NTI - New Technology Investigation
Made in France Made in France
Technical evaluations Manufacturer Module name Length Width Thickness Power class (Wc) Reference
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10RT-54HBW-V 1762 1134 30 440/445/450 A27T2208 ind05
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10RT-54HSW-V 1762 1134 30 440/445/450 A27T2208 ind05
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-54HL4R-BDV 1762 1134 30 420/425/430/435/440 A27T2208 ind04
ETN JINKO JKMxxxM-54HL4-V 1722 1134 30 400/405/410/415/420 A27T2208 ind04
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-60HL4-V 1906 1134 30 470/475/480/485/490 A27T2208 ind04
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-54HL4R-B 1762 1134 30 425/430/435/440/445 A27T2208 ind04
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-54HL4R-V 1762 1134 30 425/430/435/440/445/450 A27T2208 ind04
ETN TRINA TSM-xxxNEG9R.28 1762 1134 30 425/430/435/440/445/450 A27T2208 ind03
ETN JA JAM54D41-xxx/LB 1762 1134 30 430/435/440 A27T2208 ind02
ETN JA JAM54D40-xxx/LB 1762 1134 30 430/435/440/445/450 A27T2208 ind02
ETN JA JAM54S31-xxx/LR 1762 1134 30 415/420 A27T2208 ind02
ETN JA JAM54S30-xxx/LR 1762 1134 30 415/420/425/430/435 A27T2208 ind02
ETN LONGI LR4-60HIH-xxxM 1755 1038 30 365/370/375/380 A27T2208 ind01
ETN TRINA TSM-xxxDE09.08 1754 1096 30 390/395/400/405 A27T2208 ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-P3-xxx-COM-1500 2066 998 35 405/410/415/420 A27T2208 ind0
ETN LONGI LR4-60HPH-xxxM 1755 1038 35 350/355/360/365/370/375 010T180Y ind07
ETN DMEGC DMxxxG1-60HSW 1684 1002 35 325/330/335/340 010T180Y ind06
ETN LONGI LR4-60HBD-xxxM 1755 1038 30 350/355/360/365/370/375 010T180Y ind07
ETN GCL GCL-xxxM8/60H 1755 1038 35 375/380/385 A27T2208 ind0
ETN GCL GCL-xxxM8/60H 1766 1048 35 375/380/385 A27T2208 ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-MAX3-xxx-COM 1690 1046 40 390/395/400 010T180Y ind05
ETN JA JAM60S10-xxx/MR 1689 996 35 325/330/335 010T180Y ind04
ETN JA JAM60S10-xxx/PR 1689 996 35 320/325/330/335/340 010T180Y ind04
ETN VOLTEC TARKA 120HC VSMS 1685 1000 42 315/320/325 010T180Y ind03
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK DUO G6 xxx 1740 1030 32 340/345 010T180Y ind02
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK DUO G5 xxx 1685 1000 32 315/320/325/330/335 010T180Y ind02
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK DUO BLK G5 xxx 1685 1000 32 310/315/320/325 010T180Y ind02
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK DUO BLK G6 xxx 1740 1030 32 330/335/340/345 010T180Y ind02
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK DUO G7 xxx 1685 1000 32 325/330/335 010T180Y ind02
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK G5.1 xxx 1670 1000 32 305/310/315 010T180Y ind01
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK G4.4 xxx 1670 1000 32 295/300/305/310/315 010T180Y ind01
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK BLK G4.1 xxx 1670 1000 32 290/295/300/305 010T180Y ind01
ETN QCELLS Q.PEAK G4.1 xxx 1670 1000 32 300/305/310/315/320 010T180Y ind01
ETN VMH ENERGIES xxx-6-60-P 1648 992 40 270/275/280 010T180Y ind0
ETN VOLTEC Tarka 60 VSPS 1660 998 42 260/265/270/275 010T180Y ind0
ETN VOLTEC Tarka 60 VSMS 1660 998 42 270/275/280/285/290/295/300 010T180Y ind0
ETN YINGLI YLxxxP-29b 1640 990 35 200/205/210/215/220/225/230/235/240/245/250/255/260/265 010T180Y ind0
ETN QCELLS Q.PLUS G4.3 xxx 1670 1000 32 270/275/280/285/290 010T180Y ind01
ETN UPSOLAR 60-UP-MxxxP 1640 992 40 225/230/235/240/245/250/255/260/265/270/275 010T180Y ind0
ETN TRINA TSM-xxxPD05 1650 992 35 255/260/265 010T180Y ind0
ETN TALESUN TP660P-xxx 1640 990 35 255/260/265/270/275/280/285 010T180Y ind0
ETN SYSTOVI V-SYS PRO PS19xxxN14 16475 9875 35 285/290/295/300 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-X21-460-COM 2067 1046 46 460 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-E20-xxx-COM 2067 1046 46 435 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-X22-360-COM 1559 1046 46 360 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-X21-xxx-BLK 1559 1046 46 335 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-X20-xxx 1559 1046 46 327 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-E20-xxx 1559 1046 46 327 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-E19-xxx-COM 1559 1046 46 310 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-E20-xxx-COM 1559 1046 46 327 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-X21-xxx 1559 1046 46 335/340/345 010T180Y ind0
ETN SUNPOWER SPR-E19-xxx 1559 1046 46 320 010T180Y ind0
ETN SOLVIS SV60 1640 992 40 270/275/280/285 010T180Y ind0
ETN SOLVIS SV60 1640 992 35 270/275/280/285 010T180Y ind0
ETN SOLARWORLD Sunmodule Plus SWxxxP 1675 1001 33 200/205/210/215/220/225/230/235/240/245/250/255/260/265/270/275/280/285/290/295/300 010T180Y ind0
ETN SOLARWATT Vision 60P 1680 990 40 250/255/260 010T180Y ind0
ETN SOLARWATT Vision 60P Style 1680 990 40 250/255/260/265/270/275/280/285 010T180Y ind0
ETN SOLARWATT Vision 60M Style 1680 990 40 260/265/270/275 010T180Y ind0
ETN SOLARWATT Blue 60Pxxx 1680 990 40 250/255/260/265 010T180Y ind0
ETN RECOM SILLIA 60Pxxx 1660 990 40 250/255/260/265/270 010T180Y ind0
ETN QCELLS Q.PLUS G4.3 xxx 1670 1000 32 270/275/280 010T180Y ind0
ETN QCELLS Q.PLUS BFR G4.1 xxx 1670 1000 32 270/275/280/285 010T180Y ind0
ETN PHOTOWATT PW2500F 1685 993 40 270/275/280/285/290 010T180Y ind0
ETN PHOTOWATT PW2450F 1685 993 40 260/265/270/275/280 010T180Y ind0
ETN PHOTOWATT PW2350F 1685 993 40 240/245/250/255 010T180Y ind0
ETN CSUN CSUNxxx-60M 1640 990 35 275/280/285/290/295 010T180Y ind0
ETN BISOL BMU-xxx 1649 991 40 250/255/260/265/270 010T180Y ind0
ETN CANADIAN CS6P-xxxP 1638 982 40 250/255/260/265/270 010T180Y ind0
ETN CSUN CSUNxxx-60P 1640 990 35 230/235/240/245/250/255/260/265/270/275 010T180Y ind0
ETN BENQ-AUO PM060MB2_xxx 1640 992 40 275/280/285/290/295/300/305/310 010T180Y ind0
ETN BENQ-AUO PM060PW1_xxx 1640 992 40 250/255/260/265/270 010T180Y ind0
ETN BENQ-AUO PM096B00_xxx 1559 1046 46 325/330/335 010T180Y ind0
ETN BENQ-AUO PM060MW2_xxx 1640 992 40 275/280/285/290/295/300/305/310 010T180Y ind0
ETN BENQ-AUO PM060MW2_xxx 1640 992 40 275/280/285 010T180Y ind0
ETN BENQ-AUO PM096B00_xxx 1559 1046 46 325/330/335 010T180Y ind0
ETN BENQ-AUO PM060PW0_xxx 1640 992 40 250/255/260/265 010T180Y ind0
ETN BENQ-AUO PM060PW0_xxx 1640 992 40 250/255/260/265 010T180Y ind0
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