
Toiture neuve ou rénovation, totale ou partielle


Bac acier 3.45, épaisseur minimum 75/100
Bac acier 4.40, épaisseur minimum 75/100

Orientation du module


Poids du système

0,8 kg/m²

Structure porteuse

Entraxes pannes jusqu'à 2 m (bois ou acier)

Composants du système

Platines Aluminium 6060 T6 équipées de joints EPDM
Brides Inox 304L ou 316L (suivant environnement), assemblées en usine
Brides centrales assurant la mise à la terre au serrage
Vis Zamac pour fixation des platines


Connecteur Terre Module (CTM) aluminium 6060

NTI - New Technology Investigation
Made in France Made in France
Compatibility with the roofing: dry tray

JORIS IDE - PML 40.250.1000.CS
JORIS IDE - PML 45.333.1000.CS

Technical evaluations Manufacturer Module name Length Width Thickness Power class (Wc) Reference
ETN VOLTEC TARKA 120 VSBP xxx 1868 1170 35 475/480/485/490/495/500 A27T220J ind04
ETN VOLTEC TARKA 120 VSMP xxx 1868 1170 35 475/480/485/490/495/500 A27T220J ind04
ETN VOLTEC TARKA 110 VSBP xxx 1868 1070 35 435/440/445/450/455/460 A27T220J ind04
ETN VOLTEC TARKA 110 VSMP xxx 1868 1070 35 435/440/445/450/455/460 A27T220J ind04
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10RT-B54HBW 1762 1134 30 440/445/450 A27T220J ind03
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10RT-B54HSW 1762 1134 30 440/445/450 A27T220J ind03
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10RT-B60HST 1950 1134 30 485/490/495/500 A27T220J ind03
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10RT-B60HBT 1950 1134 30 485/490/495/500 A27T220J ind03
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-54HL4-V 1722 1134 30 410/415/420/425/430 A27T220J ind02
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-54HL4R-BDV 1762 1134 30 420/425/430/435/440 A27T220J ind01
ETN JINKO JKMxxxM-54HL4-V 1722 1134 30 400/405/410/415/420 A27T220J ind01
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-60HL4-V 1906 1134 30 470/475/480/485/490 A27T220J ind01
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-54HL4R-B 1762 1134 30 425/430/435/440/445 A27T220J ind01
ETN JINKO JKMxxxN-54HL4R-V 1762 1134 30 425/430/435/440/445/450 A27T220J ind01
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10-B54HBT 1722 1134 30 395/400/405 A27T220J ind0
ETN VOLTEC TARKA 126 VSBD 1835 1042 35 380/385/390 A27T220J ind0
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10-B54HST 1722 1134 30 395/400/405 A27T220J ind0
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM10-54HBW-V 1708 1134 30 395/400/405/410 A27T220J ind0
ETN DMEGC DMxxxM6-60HBW-V 1755 1038 35 370/375/380/385 A27T220J ind0
ETN LONGI LR4-60HBD-xxxM 1755 1038 30 350/355/360/365/370/375 010T180U ind07
ETN LONGI LR4-60HPH-xxxM 1755 1038 35 350/355/360/365/370/375 010T180U ind07
ETN JINKO JKMxxxM-60H-BDVP 1704 1008 30 320/325/330 010T180U ind05
ETN JINKO JKMxxxM-60H-TV 1704 1008 35 315/320/325/330/335 010T180U ind05
ETN JINKO JKMxxxM-60H-V 1684 1002 35 325/330/335/340/345 010T180U ind05
ETN DMEGC DMGxxxB6A-120HSW 1712 1002 35 320/325 010T180U ind04
ETN GCL GCL-xxxM3/72GDF 2036 1002 30 405/410 010T180U ind03
ETN DMEGC DMxxxG1-60HSW 1684 1002 35 325/330/335/340 010T180U ind04
ETN DMEGC DMxxxG1-B60HSW 1712 1002 35 320/325 010T180U ind04
ETN RECOM SILLIA 60Mxxx 1660 990 40 285/290/295/300/305/310/315/320 010T180U ind01
ETN RECOM SILLIA 60Mxxx 1660 990 35 285/290/295/300/305/310/315/320 010T180U ind01
ETN LG LGxxxN2T-A5 2064 1024 40 360/365/370/375/380/385/390/395/400 010T180U ind0
ETN JA JAM60D09-xxx/BP 1682 1000 30 300/305/310/315/320 010T180U ind0
ETN LG LGxxxN1T-A5 1730 1024 40 300/305/310/315 010T180U ind0
ETN JINKO JKMxxxM-72H-TV 2031 1008 40 380/385/390/395/400 010T180U ind0
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